Sunday, October 7, 2012

Match Game PRO Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for Match Game PRO - Vivek K. - Troy T. - Serena T. - Rosellen M. - David W.

Maple Leaf Sports Charity Print Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following models for their Print Campaign Audition for Maple Leaf Sports Charity - Dan P. - Jessica W. - Belinda M.

Fisher Price Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following models for their Commercial Campaign Audition for Fisher Price - Jessica W. - Denise R.

TARGET Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following models for their Commercial Campaign Audition for TARGET - Ally L. - Jimmy F. - Anderson C. - Rogie B.

Ninja Turtles Music Video Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Music Video Audition for the Ninja Turtles - Troy T. - Biancah R. - Anthony M.

The Next Star Music Video Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Music Video Audition for The Next Star - Han G. - Rene M. - Jimmy S. - Vivek K. - Shawn W.

Smart Car Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to Randel D. For his Commercial Campaign Audition for Smart Card

YTV Zoink'd T.V. Series Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their T.V. Series Audition for YTV Zoink'd - Kate C. - Robyn B. - Chi Chi I.

Juice Bar Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following models for their Commercial Campaign Audition for Juice Bar - Kiersten A. - Alenna S. - Anna C. - Jessica W. - Gabrielle I. - Calli. G. - Belinda M. - Trista F. - Daniels J. - Alex J.

TD Bank Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for TD Bank - Mike S. - Randel D. - Nitin S. - Ed W. - Vincent C.

Spin Master Toys Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for Spin Master Toys - Justin S. - Travis C. - Victoria M. - Dan P. - Tammy B. - Jon C.

Old El Paso Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for Old El Paso - Vivek K. - Vanessa D. - Faraneh E.

YTV Fashioista Barbie Commercial Campaign Audition

Good luck to Emma T. For her Commercial Campaign Audition for YTV Fashionista Barbie

TD Bank Print Campaign Audition

Good luck to the following models for their Print Campaign Audition for TD Bank - Vivek K. - Justin S. - Troy T. - Danovan S. - Jonathon I. - Ryan K. - Janitha F. - Fia A.

Much Music Anti Bullying PSA Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their Much Music Anti Bullying PSA audition - Whitney C. - Victoria M.