Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SUBARU Print Campaign Audition

Good Luck to Troy T. for his Print Campaign Auditon for SUBARU

BUDWEISER Print Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following models for their Print Campaign Audition for BUDWEISER

- Christian T.
- Jessica W.

VIA RAIL Commercial Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for VIA RAIL

- David W.
- Fia A.
- Ethel O.

MR. CLEAN Commercial Campaign Audition

Good Luck to Christian T. for his Commercial Campaign Audition for MR. CLEAN

Thursday, February 9, 2012

PHYSICIANS MUTUAL Commercial Campaign


YTV Commercial Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for YTV

- Stan K.
- Steven I.
- Ronnie G.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH Print Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following models for their Print Campaign Audition for MINISTRY OF HEALTH

- Melissa P.
- Jennifer M.
- Dan P.
- Peter V.
- Matt R.
- Travis C.
- Josh H.

PARANORMAL WITNESS Season 2 T.V. Series Audition

Good luck to the following actors for their T.V. Series Audition for PARANORMAL WITNESS Season 2

- Tammy B.
- Tim M.
- Troy T.
- David W.

MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Commercial Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS

- Stan G.
- Bill B.

TD Bank Corporate Video Audition

Good Luck to the following actors for their Corporate Video Auditions for TD BANK

- Salman A.
- Kush P.
- Louis B.
- Shivam C.
- Randel D.

Physician's Mutual Commercial Campaign Audition

Good Luck to the following actors for their Commercial Campaign Audition for PHYSICIAN'S MUTUAL

- Randel D.
- Dean A.
- Stan G.
- Bill B.